Sunday, May 03, 2009

They grow so fast!

This post is dedicated to my neices and flower girls, Ashely and Gracie! They are growing up so fast! I want to make sure that I remember this sweet age and how much fun it is to have them around during this special wedding planning time!

Today was a very big day for Gracie! She graduated from preschool!!!Not only is she on her way to kindergarten, but she also lost her very FIRST TOOTH! I was in Fayetteville visiting Aaron this weekend and watching some Razorback baseball, when she called to tell me the good news. Apparently she and her big sister both lost a tooth this weekend! Poor Ashely is just about toothless on the top!
Here is a picture of the graduate proudly showing off her first loss!

We are so proud of you Gracie!!!

And just to give you a peek into the life of my little flower girls', here are some of their softball pictures from this year:
Ashley plays first base for the Sardis Starbursts!
Gracie plays short-stop for the Sardis Lil' Lady Movers!

These two girls love softball and we love to watch them! I can't believe how fast they are growing up! I'm so glad they will get to play a part in our wedding and I can't wait to see them all dolled up! We love you both!


  1. Such a cute blog! I've added your blog to mine...hope you don't mine. I know you guys are getting so excited. What a wonderful time in your lives. Remember me for a shower.

  2. Of course both girls play softball. Would we expect anything less from the daughters of Leah?
