10,000 + of you super sweet people have visited my blog! Thank you so much for listening to my silly ramblings! I apologize for being such a terrible Host!
I am such a slacker. Shame, shame, shame on me! I had every intention of keeping this blog going on and on way past the wedding. From life as a newlywed, to our first pet (which came sooner than we thought and was not the species we had planned!), to the progress of our First House, to our first holiday seasons as a Family, to the arrival and raising of "little ones" (whenever that may be!), but.....
....I have failed miserably, and here's why! I had no idea how much my life would change after the blissful Wedding Day. For those of you who know me, you know I am a perfectionist, a neat freak, and the oh so dreaded, OCD! I just can't help it. When I'm not enjoying the wonderful company of my sweet husband, our friends, and lovely family, I am totally obsessed with our house and the upkeep of it! Laundry, cooking, dishes, decorating, etc., etc., I thrive on being the ultimate House Wife. Although, technically I am not a "House Wife" because I do have a fulltime job :)
Either way, I meant to show lots of pictres of our journey as newlyweds and the progress of our First House, and I didn't "get around to it." Which reminds me of a key chain my grandpa and granny brought back for me as a souvenier from one of their many trips. It was a round piece of polished wood that was called "A Round Tuit". Below that title it said something to the effect of, "Now you have 'a round tuit', so do it!" I thought it was clever! But then again, were my grandparents just trying to tell me something? Probably that I was a procrastinator, as I seem to still be today! Although I would never claim such a title until I realized the lack of attention I was giving to this special blog and all of its readers!
So, officially, I am back....in the only way I know how to be! It may not be every day or every week. I just can't make that kind of commitment! Our life and plans change every minute and are never quite what we "had in mind," although everything is most definitley God's Best!
Just so you know, we love you all! I miss your sweet comments and look forward to hearing from you soon! I'll do my best to keep in touch! I'll leave you with a picture of our sweet "little one"! He has become very curious of "people food" these days. We think its hilarious!

P.S. There may be a new blog coming, just to help get me back into the swing of things! I'll let you know when that change will take place! I hope you will follow with me!
Enjoy your Halloween! Its beautiful outside!